Thursday, February 25, 2010


my slacker parents have been keeping me captive. no internet access for me, oh no. and all because i took one measly ballpoint to mom's laptop. sheesh.

in case you were worried, i have NOT been captured by robots.

not too much new around here. i've been playing in the snow as much as i can but i'm ready for spring. i want to take a blanket outside and have a picnic. i want to put up my tent and play with my toys under the sun. i want to ride my bike!

i have become a very efficient sled rider, though!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

messages from ben

you may notice that i've not been around. i've taken it upon myself to communicate with you. with my dad's help, of course. please follow these links for important video messages.

thank you for your time and consideration.
